Minimise Risk and Maximise Efficiency with the Combination of Best-in-Class Media Data and Advanced Next Generation Screening Technology
Sweet and sour. Bread and butter. Gin and tonic. Some things just go better together.
After two years of working together, when it comes to next generation adverse media screening we’re confident that the perfect combination is Dow Jones data and Ripjar screening technology. There are a number of important reasons why the fusion brings a multiplier effect and ultimately a critical advantage to users.
In our modern connected world, there are simply huge quantities of data out there. Industry experience confirms that is the best all round source of media data. It includes a huge array of high quality structured and unstructured data including licensed news sources.
With data, coverage is all important. As a Chief Risk Officer, you want to do everything you can to ensure you’re not missing risks that could prove devastating to your business.
However, making sense of large volumes of data provides a real challenge.
Ripjar’s screening approach uses sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning to look in-depth at the content of each and every media article. The processing algorithms identify which people and companies are referred to in each article, and which risks each article refers to.
Working in 19 different languages, the technology has been fine tuned and tested with multiple Tier 1 banks operating across many demanding regulatory regimes.
And how often should you check your customers against the data? The answer is continuously.
Real-time monitoring is complex, but it is the only way to avoid the risks that are inherent with scheduled monitoring. As new media articles are received they are immediately screened and generate alerts.
Maintaining the highest standards of compliance is extremely challenging, but sophisticated businesses around the world are realising the power of media data to evaluate client, vendor and supply chain risk. Modern solutions, such as Ripjar Labyrinth Screening, provide the ability to precisely calibrate and understand risks in real-time.
Since Dow Jones and Ripjar have partnered to deliver Dow Jones Advanced Adverse Media Media Screening two years ago, it’s been great to see the power of strong collaboration. Together we are looking forward to many more years of partnership to redefine the state of the art of name and media screening.
Jeremy Annis
CEO, Ripjar